Meet Heather
Email: heathercoley@storybookworldtravel.com
Heather has loved Disney since her first trip as a child. She remembers walking through the parks the very first time and trying to embrace all of the magic that Disney brings. After her first visit, her family started going to Disney often and then started adding Universal Parks to their trips. She remembers being pregnant with her first child and walking the streets of Universal. Heather tells her often that this was her first trip. Heather’s love for Disney as a child did not go away as she became an adult. She continues to take her own children to this day, the magic is still wonderful for her. Heather enjoys seeing her children’s faces light up when they see their favorite character or riding their favorite thrill ride. She has traveled with children from ages of one to fourteen. Heather believes you develop a different kind of love for Disney when you take your children and watch the magic come to life.
Planning vacations has always been a passion for Heather. Before becoming an agent, she was always the go to person for all things Disney. She has always enjoyed being the family/friends go to Disney Girl and could talk about Disney all day long.
Walt Disney World
Universal Parks
Travel with Children