Pin Trading at the Disney Parks

If you’ve visited Disneyland or Walt Disney World in the past decade, chances are you’ve seen Disney Pins at some point in time or another. Pins are sold in every shop and many of the cast members wear lanyards with pins on them for trading. Pin trading...

1900 Park Fare

This article by Michelle Hoelzel Located on the first floor of the Grand Floridian this restaurant offers character dining for both Breakfast and Dinner options. Before your meal your will get your parties picture taken in front of the storybook castle wall. If you...

Celebrating a Birthday at Walt Disney World

Article by Jess Parlier May 4th is the best day of the year!  That’s right, Star Wars Day is MY birthday!  In 2014 I scheduled the PERFECT Disney vacation.  We were at the parks for my birthday, my oldest son’s 13th birthday and Mother’s Day! Your...